Practicum 2 – Bernard

These are my questions,

  1. Who or what had the most influence on your political beliefs or views on politics? 
  2. Are there some civil liberties you hold most important in your life? 
  3. Does public opinion affect or influence your views on politics?
  4. Do you think that the media in any form plays an important role in our political system 
  5. What platform, form of media, or news source do you get political information on and 

Emma (Friend)

  1. Their family had the most influence on their political beliefs and views, that the family is more left leaning. This has a lot of impact on their views.
  1. I’m not entirely sure, since all of the issues I care about are very intersectional and can’t be cleanly placed in one category. anarchist principles are a strong foundation though
  1. It influences my opinion somewhat, especially with more niche issues where my information is coming from people who have some stance on it, but there are core beliefs i hold that public opinion doesn’t affect
  1. Absolutely, it has a heavy influence on what people think about key issues and what issues they invest in.
  1. I follow a few reputable news outlets on social media to get quick news blurbs on what’s happening with the option to read the full article if I want to learn more.

Although I’ve known my friend for quite some time, I did learn a few new things about them. What I saw a lot in these answers was that the opinion of others or news or media may have an affect to some beliefs in some political events, their views, ideals, and foundations are kept in stone. 

(Close Friend)

  1. My family and school had a big influence on my politics. My family is conservative but I went to a liberal school. Because of this I got two different sides of the political spectrum and was able to figure out where I stood. 
  1. Freedom of speech is a civil liberty that I have always made sure to keep in mind. This civil liberty allows people to share different beliefs and opinions without fear of discrimination. 
  1. Public opinion does have affect on my political views, mainly because news is always biased since it is written by a human. So no matter what you are reading one side of the story, what I tend to do is read articles about one situation from two different companies in order to find a middle ground. The one nice thing about public opinion is you can see how others react or respond which can help you become more informative. 
  1. The media plays a big role in our political system because it is very similar to public opinion, the media is able to control the narrative and so it gets more difficult to see both sides if you cannot read the comments or see how people are feeling on the subject. Because of this if the media only wants you to see one side, then they will only show you one side, and because of this the people reading it will fall into supporting something they maybe should not or would not support if they knew the other side. 
  1. I get my political information from a few different options. I get it from my family, the Daily Wire, and also the New York Times. I do it this way so I can see both sides of the same story and develop my own opinion. Anything you read will change your opinion on something if it is convincing enough and so reading both sides while also seeing what my family has to say about an issue helps me find a middle ground and see which side I fall on. 

What I learned most from these answers is that her political beliefs and views have always been influenced by 2 different spectrums, this was interesting to me because I don’t often hear this. I did know a lot of the information given because I often hear them talk about political events or problems.

Umi (relative) 

  1. Literally government class (actually mr.Calkin)
  1. Freedom of speech and freedom of religion 
  1. Public opinions may influence my views on politics but it depends on what the conversation is focused on
  1. Media definitely plays a huge role in our political system. Most of the time you see it used to spread propaganda when it comes to huge issues going on in our government. For example the misinformation spread about African and Arab countries, actually any country that is mainly made up of people of color. Or when political parties were advertising false dates on when to vote. But media could also educate people on how our government initially works
  1. I get my news mainly from tiktok and couple other news sources. I mainly trust information from tiktok cause time and time again our main American news sources lie when it come to political issues with other countries. Only time I would trust America’s main news sources is when it is talking about issues in our own country 

This was interesting for me, I have known my friend and relative for quite some time. I actually think I took the same government class as her at some point. What I learned more from this discussion was the last few questions. She and I often talk about these sort of things so these answers didn’t come as a surprise but I did learn more. 

Overall I think this assignment was an interesting one, I did learn a lot of my friends political beliefs and views. I think this would be an interesting assignment to continue doing as you can get more information from others.

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