Blog #2 (Trenton Galemore)

1: Is the Bill of Rights still necessary or is the Bill of Rights obsolete to maintain freedoms?

2: Should Congress still continue to be a bicameral institution or should congress be reorganized into a unicameral or even tricameral institution?

3: Out of all the Branches of government, should power be given or taken from any branch or should power remain the same among the branches?

4:Who should have more power, the States or Federal government?

5: Do you think how well the economy is doing is the largest factor for a politician’s popularity?

Response 1: Online Friend 

1: I feel the bill of rights is still necessary because I feel that corruption is gonna try and change that, to try and weasel around it, and that if we don’t enforce it, then it would just be forgotten and ignored 

2: I feel Congress should continue to be a bicameral institution because I feel it should stay a bicameral institution because it’s been working for us so far, having two sets of opinions choosing something I feel is better off than one.

3: I don’t think power should be taken or given from any of the branches, I think they should stay equal because The 3 branches of the government were created equally, and should stay in equal power

4: I think The states should have more power because the states having the power would really help keep the federal government from corruption, it is the states that created the government in the first place, it should be our say on what happens.

5: No I don’t think it is because I feel that their popularity comes mostly from the people who care about what they do, money and economical influences seems like something that is just blown up not really thought on

My friend’s response seems to have knowledge on the subject, he knows how the government is mostly set up. They do believe states should have more power, which their reasoning was unique and I personally haven’t heard of that reasoning. Another thing that caught my eye is that he doesn’t think the economy is the largest factor, more that it is blown out of proportion.

Response 2: My friend Gabe

1. Yes it’s necessary, or else arguments could be made the rights aren’t innate and they could be taken away easier. In my opinion. 

2. I think that tricameral could make things harder and slower, so it should continue to be a bicameral institution. However I believe the senate could be improved. 

3. I think the president should have lesser power, or all branches should have somewhat less power to balance with the president’s. 

4. I think that the federal government should have less, or at least should have to speak more to the states. So States should have more imo, I guess. 

5. I think that it plays a factor, but isn’t the largest personally. Current politics are the biggest imo. Be it gender politics, other social ones, or the state of the world.

Gabe and I took a government class together in our senior year of highschool, which is nice to see that he retained information. I’ve known Gabe since my highschool freshman year so I already knew some of his answers.

Response 3: Fellow Classmate and my bestfriend Koen

1. I believe the Bill of Rights will always be necessary because they hold our foundation of a nation.

2.Bicameral to me is the best representation based on population and equal representation among the states. Tricameral seems unnecessary and hard to even imagine. Unicameral is dumb.

3. I believe that all should remain except the presidency. The only thing I want to change is that the Vice President be elected by popular vote.

4. Federal Government of course, but with strong states

5. Yes sadly. I want politicians to be seen by other things rather than the economy but we are American.

Koen and I talk a lot about and participate in politics. We go hand in hand with each other. We agree on a lot of things and joke about politics on local,state or federal levels. In conclusion his responses weren’t very shocking.

This practice wasn’t as great as the first one in my opinion. It is a great way to get to know how to get answers on a face to face level. I would recommend if there was more to do

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