(Sydney Teel Practicum 1) Media Institution: Crash Course Government and Politics #44 

This clip illustrates one of the main concepts of American Political culture, media, and its role in politics. Discussed in the video are different forms of media and how media has evolved over time. From old fashion print media(newspapers) to television broadcasts, talk radio, and today’s internet. The video explains some of the advantages and disadvantages of the media’s role in politics. The video delivers a quick and easy understanding of how media is used in politics.

The main issue with today’s media is bias. A lot of news sources tend to lean toward right or left wing parties which hugely influences an unknowledgeable audience. Media bias makes it very easy to influence someone who doesn’t necessarily know that there’s other point of views to choose from. Another issue with media is that it is written or told from the perspective of a journalist and what they believe to be true which means they can interpret any story however they want, they can even blatantly lie to media consumers. The internet also makes it easy to access information which results in less deep reporting of journalists actually going out and exploring stories. Politicians can even make themselves a more positive media image opposed to the type of person they are behind closed doors. Politicians can leak stories about others in order to help their campaign and can put money toward the media glorifying their policies and ideologies. 

Advantages of media are that it is quick and easy to access information, especially internet media. Everything is at the click of a button we no longer have to wait for the next newspaper prints to come out, loads of political media is constantly pushed right in front of our faces.

Discussion questions:

  1. What forms of media do you consume, if any? Do you observe more right or left-wing media sources or both?
  2. How does the media provide advantages for politicians?
  3. What are the disadvantages/advantages of media in politics?
  4. Do you think internet media is the most effective way to educate Americans on politics? Why or why not?
  5. Explain the relationship between media and citizens; how often are we consuming media? Who influences your media?

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