Jordan Widener Practicum 1

The video above briefly describes the most significant events in the history of segregation and defines what segregation is. Even when segregation ended, the conditions of African Americans’ lives did not improve. They were considered “separate but equal.” The video introduces the Jim Crow Laws and how they affected African Americans, and then proceeds to introduce and briefly describes the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. were introduced and a brief description of their significance was given, and how they impacted history. The video then describes the Klu Klux Klan and their significance to the history of segregation. The video concludes with how segregation affects our country today. Segregation has been abolished but racism still remains, and protest movements live alongside it. Black Lives Matter is an example of a modern day political movement regarding racism in America.   

 Segregation, even though it has been abolished, still pertains to be an issue in modern day America. The video describes the most important events throughout the history of segregation. Segregation is important to the political culture of America because it has shaped and formed our political culture into what it is now. In fact it has literally shaped our whole country into what it is today. Racism in our country has been an ongoing issue, Black Americans today now have the same rights as White Americans, but it was through the hard work of many black activists such as Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, etc… to change the way African Americans were viewed. Even though they have the same rights, some non-black Americans still believe that non-white Americans should be viewed and treated as lesser. Because of this belief we have only had one black president, Barack Obama. Gradually over time our future generations will push for equality of all races, and eventually all prejudice and racism will be abolished to a higher extent. It is impossible to say that it will be completely abolished, but rather diminished to a controlled standard.

Discussion Questions

  1. What is the significance of segregation in America?
  2. How did segregation affect those who weren’t white?
  3. What does segregation look like now today?
  4. Who are some important African American activists, and what did they do?
  5. What do you think our country would look like if segregation never occurred?

Personally I found this assignment really stimulating and creative, but found it really annoying in one aspect. I was having trouble creating a blog post, but other than that I liked this assignment. I wouldn’t mind doing another assignment similar to this one in the future.

1 comment on “Jordan Widener Practicum 1

  1. William Wood

    Hello Jordan, I enjoyed reading your post and discussion about the political culture in America today. I especially found thoughtful your connections with the political culture today and that of the history of racism in America. It is true that America has come a long way in ensuring the rights of all citizens; however, the legacy of slavery, segregation, and discrimination still exists today, affecting the way people think about America’s political culture. For example, the legacy of racism can be shown when some Americans believe that the Black population is inherently more dangerous than non-Black people. This idea then permeates America’s political culture reflecting the racist legacies of the past.

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