Practicum 3: Miriam Stitz

Registering to Vote

  1. To register to vote, you can fill out the form using the online voter registration website provided by the state. This website takes you through the step-by-step process of registering completely digitally. Or you can fill out the State of Alaska Voter Registration Application form and mail it to be processed. Another option is to go to your local elections office. For documentation, you need a valid Alaska driver’s license; that’s the most easily accessible documentation for proof of residency and address. You will also need additional proof of identification, like your birth certificate or passport. 
  1. This process was very similar to any other registration process. I liked the online registration system the best. If you have all of your information readily available/accessible, like SSN and license number and all that, it is a simple and fast process. The next easiest would be to just go into your local elections office because the other option of mailing in an application will take longer and could get complicated or confusing with all of the mailings back and forth.  
  1. I think that how easy it was to register to vote online it makes it a lot more likely that people who are younger and have more internet and technological experience are more likely to register to vote and then vote because of how much they know how to do on technology already. Older people who often prefer to do things in person or by mail might not be as motivated to go through the process of registering to vote or updating their voter registration. And even if online voter registration seems simple to younger generations, it may be more complicated for people who don’t have as much technological experience.

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