Practicum 1 Nature of Politics and American Political Culture

This clip is a good example on focusing on the current state of our political atmosphere. President Obama discusses with Jimmie Fallon on political divide in America and what he would like to see in the future. President Obama talks about the good in the republican party, and then goes into the republican parties current state not being good for the country as a whole. Obama then goes into the subject of wanting corrective action for both parties and working together. In the video there was a moment where Obama explained that there are some agreements in both parties (ex. the supreme court nominee) but some of the republican party members agreeing but not wanting to meet the Supreme Court nominee. This was all 7 years ago but I can see there are some similarities to the current political atmosphere between both the Democratic and Republican parties.


1: Do you think there should be more than 2 parties in the American political system?

2: Do you think with our current political system, that we have a healthy 2 party system?

3: In recent years, do you believe that the American Government is headed in a good direction?

4: How do you think the republicans and democrats could improve working together to come to an agreed outcome?

5: Do you agree with President Obama’s overall message in this video?

This project was something that I needed to learm, it was difficult but eventually figured it out. It was easy in the aspect of figuring out what video or topic I would be watching and writing about. This has helped me in my knowledge of the political system and can help me in this class.

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