Practicum 1- Sarah Curns

This clip from King of the Hill is an example of American political culture because it showcases some of the core beliefs of Americans. There are four core beliefs in American culture which include liberty, individualism, equality, and self-government. I think this clip mainly highlights the ideas of liberty, individualism, and self-government. When the OCS worker tries to take away Bobby (Hank’s son) on faulty pretenses, Hank shares his ideas about the government, specifically about liberty. He doesn’t believe that the government should be able to take his son away, especially when he’s done nothing wrong, and that the idea of this is a threat to his liberties. The government is oppressing Hank’s rights to act and think as he chooses, essentially taking away his liberty.

The ideas of individualism go along with the idea of liberty because Hank has the individual right to parent how he wants to as long as he’s not hurting or abusing his child. Therefore, he values the idea of individualism as an American belief and enforces it onto the government worker. He also shows the idea of individualism by saying that he’s providing a service to his community through his job which shows self-suffience and personal initiative. The clip also plays patriotic music in the background which enhances the idea that these are clearly American beliefs. Finally, there’s the core value of self-government. When Hank complains that his tax dollars go to the government to do things like take away his liberty and freedom, he’s expressing his beliefs about self-government. He thinks that he should have more control over the government and who is in it, as it is affecting his rights as a parent. 

Another idea that is expressed at the end of the clip is the right to your property. When he’s had enough of the government worker, he tells him to leave his property and kicks him out of his house. This shows that Hank values the idea of private property and being able to tell people to leave when they want (as long as they don’t have a valid reason to be there, like if a police officer had a warrant). Overall, this clip represents many ideals of American politics including liberty, individualism, self-government, and control of one’s own private property. 


  1. How do you think American political culture affects/shows itself in everyday life?
  2. What core value do you think the clip best expresses?
  3. Do you think the government can be oppressive of its core values, if so how? 
  4. Do you think that it can be necessary at times for the government to take away one’s rights? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think American political culture has changed since the founding of America? If so how?

Reflection: I enjoyed this assignment and found it helpful to enhance my understanding of political culture and core values. I think that you should continue to use this assignment in the future to help students gain an understanding of these aforementioned topics. 

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