Blog 1- Vashti Skinner

This debate is mainly about what measures Joe Bidon and Bernie Sanders were planning on taking in order to overcome COVID-19. COVID impacted the political culture by forcing a lot of businesses to shut down, causing people to lose jobs, and it divided the people when they had to go into quarantine. The businesses shut down because there were not enough people to purchase items. And this caused a lot of employees to be let go so the business could save money to pay rent. Quarantine forced a lot of people to go without in-person interaction for months, and this made it easier to control the country, cause no one could meet up and plan how to overcome COVID-19 as a nation. This took away their freedom of speech and assembly. 

Sanders wanted to make sure that everyone had healthcare available for them to use when they needed to go to the doctor’s for their illnesses. He also wanted to start taking on all the people with powers, like drug companies and insurance companies. Those companies are the ones with all the money while the rest of the country is struggling to make ends meet. Sanders was also wanting to up the amount of money insurance companies made and not tax it. Making more Americans struggle to survive. While Sanders was wanting this, Joe Bidon wanted to make sure that each state had at least ten different drive-through testing sites for people to get tested without fear of infecting others with the virus. He also wanted to deal with the economic fallout as soon as possible so people could get back on their feet and survive. 


  1. Why do you think Joe Biden was so adamant on testing sites being put up across each state?
  2.  Do you think that was a smart decision? If not, what would you have done differently?
  3. Would you have handled the COVID situation like Biden or like Sanders did?
  4. If you had to do a debate on the effects of COVID, what would you focus on? Money or health and why?
  5. What would your approach to the cost of healthcare during COVID be?

I liked the assignment; it was interesting to try and find a video on something that touched on political culture. And this can be an assignment you use in the future so broaden people’s perspectives on political culture and how easily it gets affected. 

1 comment on “Blog 1- Vashti Skinner

  1. Sarah Curns

    The video you chose was a good example of American political culture and I enjoyed your analysis. I liked how you connected the COVID-19 pandemic with the video to give a more in-depth look at the situation at the time and to provide more context. It’s interesting to think about how the debate about universal health care is happening simultaneously with the pandemic, yet it wasn’t the primary topic. I also thought it was helpful to provide information about what each candidate had planned for handling the pandemic, which provided even more context to the video. The pandemic definitely affected our political culture especially our freedoms and liberties, albeit for the safety of our people.

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