Practicum #1- Mason Chandler

One aspect of American political culture is democracy, which gives the American people the opportunity to vote for a candidate that they believe is ideal to run our country and uphold the United States’ core values. In this video we can see that these two candidates are debating over issues that were, at the time, facing our country, and what their proposed solutions are to these issues. During this debate, each candidate is given time to answer the questions asked of them, and time to debate with their opponent. As seen in the video, both candidates are respectful of each other’s time and replies. Both candidates argue their own beliefs and plans, but they also argue against one another’s solution to prove that they are the better option for the presidency. They acknowledge that the presidency is not about them as individuals, it is not something that they want for selfish reasons, but for the future of the country. They understand that they are simply representing the voices of the citizens of the U.S. and what the Americans believe to be the best solutions to the issues facing the country. They both seem to genuinely care for the lives of the American people and how they can improve the country for everyone. Both of these candidates also understand the importance of being professional in this setting, as they were currently the face of American politics.

This video shows what American political culture was like during this point in time. Although the two parties did not agree on many issues or the ways in which to solve them, they went about these political processes with respect for each other and the values of the United States. The process of debates and presidential elections is a very important aspect of democracy, as it gives the American people a voice.

1. In what ways do each of these candidates uphold the core values of the United States?

2. Does this debate reflect a nation united?

3. How does this presidential debate compare to the presidential debate of 2020?

4. How was the United States represented by these candidates in the eyes of foreign countries when compared to our current politicians?

5. Explain the importance of professionalism when it comes to Presidential debates and candidates.

I enjoyed completing this assignment, although it was challenging. It is difficult to explain all of the aspects of American culture that even one short video can portray. I feel that the video I chose, represents the American government in a much different way than how things are functioning today. I think that it is very important to understand the social issues that are occurring around an election as well. I think this assignment could definitely be used to show the contrasts within American politics and what values we should still be upholding.

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