Reinstatement of the Alaska State(former was territory) Guard

Senator Sullivan is trying to urge the US military and government to have a larger influence in the Arctic Ocean. I propose that we have something similar to the old Alaska Territory Guard, completely composed of volunteers. In my mind Dan Should work with Senators Rick Scott of Florida, who proposed S.R 286 which urges the Biden Admin. to work with Congress to ensure that our military will have the sufficent resources. And Dan should work with Tim Kaine of Virginia, who proposed S.1532 , a bill that gives tax cuts to local businesses who hire certified military members, spouses of, and children of service member. All three senators should work together and get into touch with Lloyd J. Austin, our Secretary of Defense, and the Association of Defense to organize local support in Alaska.

Person or Parties Involved:

Senator Dan S. Sullivan

302 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3004

Senator Rick Scott

502 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-5274

Senator Tim Kaine

231 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-4024

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin

1400 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1400

Association of Defense Communities

(Mailing Address) 1201 Connecticut Ave NW #500B
Washington, D.C. 20036

The Honorable Dan S. Sullivan

Eighth Senator of Alaska


Dear Dan, I am writing about the concern of Russian Aggression in recent years (2014-2022). Another concern is the Arctic Ice cap melting allowing more maritime routes in the ocean. In your Youtube video titled “Why the Port of Nome Matters for America’s Arctic Security” you also share concern about the safety of US arctic interests. I propose a reimplementation of the Alaska Territorial Guard, well the Alaska State Guard now. 

Not too dissimilar to the current situation, before the US intervention into the Second World War, Japan was very militarily aggressive towards their own neighbors. By invading the Chinese, the Japanese disturbed world peace. After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, around 6,000 Alaskan Natives had volunteered to defend Alaska from Japanese aggression in the Territory. The Alaskan Natives had vast knowledge of the land, being crucial if invasion would incur. Dan, if you want a great way to increase US influence in the Arctic, try to encourage the Native Alaskans to cooperate with the US military by either implementing tax incentives or increasing benefits. Having the Alaskan Natives help build infrastructure in our state is crucial to your plan to have the US be more influential in the Arctic. Have Military Attache’s who are expertised in Arctic warfare, train militias so the US doesn’t have to put huge amounts of US military soldiers in the region, almost 25% of the population hunts (according to Alaska Fish and Game).

I believe that you should get into contact with Lloyd J. Austin, our Secretary of Defense to send word to our President to put a larger naval presence into the Alaskan Arctic. Also to work with the Association of Defense Communites to establish a presence in Alaska.

It is important that you, Mr. Sullivan try to rally the support from the natives of our beautiful state, if you can do that, the Native Corporations will allow the new infrastructure to be built

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