Practicum 3 – Koen Michael House

A Letter to Senator Daniel Scott Sullivan

Issue Chosen- The Environment

Senator Dan Sullivan – Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support
Senator Dan Sullivan criticizing the “overreach” of the EPA under the Obama Administration

Senator Dan Sullivan’s voting record mostly consists of issues involving National Security, Environment, Crime and Law Enforcement, International Affairs, and Government Operations. His tenure has been consistent with the Pro-Business Alaska Republican standards that were present and dominant during the 1970s and 1980s. Sullivan has stated relentlessly that Alaska environmental regulations are the best in the Nation and the state shouldn’t be overshadowed by lower 48 politics.

Prominent Environmental Bills that Sullivan was a contributor and original sponsor of was the highly successful Save Our Seas Act (SOS) and the successor; Save our Seas Act 2.0 (SOS 2). Senator Sullivan has also supported many environmental bills that never passed (listed below)

  • S.1140 Federal Water Quality Protection Act
  • S.2951 Foreign Spill Protection Act
  • S.1934 Alaska Remote Generator Reliability and Protection Act
  • S.2800 America’s Water Infrastructure Act
  • S.747 Diesel Emissions Reduction Act
  • S.2941 RECYCLE Act

The Organization and Individuals

The Eco…Right? (RepublicEn)

RepublicEn is a conservative advocacy group that promotes environmental restrictions and for stronger regulation to deter climate change.

Energy and Enterprise Initiative
George Mason University, MS 6A8
Fairfax, VA 22030

Proponents of Environmental Protection

Dan Sullivan (United States Senator from Alaska)
302 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3004

Mike Braun (United States Senator from Indiana)
404 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-4814

Robert Casey Jr. (United States Senator from Pennsylvania)
393 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-6324

Michael S. Regan (Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency)
USEPA William Jefferson Clinton Building North (WJC North)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20004

The Letter for Change

The Honorable Daniel S. Sullivan, Ranking Member
Subcommittee of Oceans, Fisheries, Climate Change, and Manufacturing

Dear Senator Sullivan,
Alaska has been increasingly losing the battle for land with Climate Change as our soil has been sinking into the sea. The State is crucial both militarily and economical for the United States. I believe it is in order that the Alaska Delegation starts to spend more time on researching the effects of Climate Change in Alaskan shores.

In the past, you have committed much time with bills that were invoking the environment, such as the Save Our Seas Act and the RECYCLE Act proposed by Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, but those bills haven’t touched on the issues that Alaska faces today. Working together as congress members from Alaska will only benefit our nation.

I believe it is also vital to work with the opposition party to contain Alaska’s materials, towns and other resources are slowly being consumed by the ever encroaching sea that surrounds us all.

In the past, you sponsored a bill to give rural Alaskans a pass from the EPA for their diesel use, but also to give them advisory contact to consume less. That is a step in the right direction, but we need to move forward with energy production to make sure everyone in Alaska is using clean and cheap energy.

It is important to us that we walk work together to patch up the mess humans have made in many regions, and to fix things that we can change for our future generations to appreciate. A scary thought is not having a future for our children. So I ask you to consider working more with environmental protection and Alaska energy development.

Thank you so much for reading Senator, I patiently wait for a response back!

With Much Respect,

Koen Michael House

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