Practicum 3: Cadence Conner

The Honorable Mary Peltola

3710 Woodland Dr. Suite 1500

Anchorage, AK 99517

The Honorable Lisa Murkowski

510 L Street Suite 600. 

Anchorage, AK 99501

The Honorable Mike Dunleavy

550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 1700. 

Anchorage, AK 99501

The Honorable David Pruhs

800 Cushman Street

Fairbanks, AK 99701

Dear Elected Officials representing the great state of Alaska,

I am writing this letter to you to express my concerns regarding women’s rights, specifically their reproductive rights following the overturning of Roe V Wade on June 24, 2022. After the Supreme Court decision it became the job of the state government to decide whether or not abortion access would remain legal in that state. As a woman I am asking you to protect the rights of all women across the state and keep abortion legal within Alaska. Planned Parenthood, an interest group working to legalize abortion rights, as well as provide access to birthcontrol and healthcare services is currently working with government officials to ensure the public is protected. 

By banning abortions in Alaska womens lives will put in danger even more than usual. Abortions performed for hundreds of reasons, and while each individual reason does not matter, it comes down to the safety of the person pregnant. It does not matter the reason why an abortion is needed, all are valid and necessary within that situation. Taking away a woman’s right to make their own healthcare decisions based on their own situation and needs is preposterous, especially considering this would not be a debate if it were the rights of a man being questioned. 

Not only are peoples lives at stake, but banning abortions will drive Alaskans to move out of state, and to a place where they are able to get safe and equal healthcare. Alaskans prides themselves on its diverse and beautiful state, one that is very far from the remaining lower 48. By not protecting a woman’s right to choose, citizens would need to search elsewhere for healthcare, and with the closest state being over 3,000 miles away, that is not a trip that many people could afford to make. With the price of gas, groceries and cost of living already elevated being so far away from the lower 48 this would be a tipping point for many people. 

I understand the tedious jobs that you all hold, and I appreciate you for considering my letter. I urge you to do what is best for the people of Alaska, and work to not only keep abortions legal within the state, but throughout the nation. The people spoke in the 2022 elections when Alaskans chose not to hold a constitutional convention, ensuring their voices remain to be heard, and rights protected is essential. Please reply to my letter and inform me on what you will do about this important issue as well as contact Planned Parenthood on how to best protect the public. Thank you for your time reading my letter and for your efforts to ensure the people’s rights are protected. 


Cadence Conner

648 Wayne Williams Lane

Fairbanks, AK 99712

Planned Parenthood of Alaska 

1867 Airport Way Suite 160B

Fairbanks, AK 99701

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