Practicum 2: Koen House

I asked three different people with very different political beliefs and backgrounds 5 questions. The first person I asked was from a different state with a conservative religious upbringing. The second person is from Northern Alaska and has a Libertarian bent on the government. The last and final person is not very political and very moderate. The results of these answers are interesting!

Person 1

  1. What is the problem with the two party system? What is good about this?
  2. Why do you believed this?
  3. The Republican Party was expected to win by a landslide in 2022 but failed to do so. What are reasons you think was primary issues?
  4. Do you believe that religion plays too much into politics? Why or why not?
  5. Is Alaska in a downward spiral toward massive corruption or debt? What can we do to stop this?

1. The problem with the two party system in my opinion is that it lacks individuality. There are certain people who would be great for this country, however they will never get the chance if they do not belong to a specific party (Democrat or Republican).

2. This is an issue to me because some people do not fully agree with either party, and would choose to not be tied to them, along with the fact that a party needs to sponsor a candidate. This may make the candidate being sponsors by a party so not speak to their true beliefs, but rather their political party.

3. I’m not totally sure, I don’t know too much on this election. I would assume that it is because the majority of people with large social media platforms are Democrat, and target younger and more impressionable audiences (18-26 years old).

4. Yes I do, both parties have their religious affiliations which typically intertwine. However the Republican Party is often associated with conservative Catholics whereas the Democratic Party is often associated with liberal Protestants and Catholics. While Catholicism is tied to both parties, I have seen more media platforms and people tying Catholicism to Republicans than Democrats. I think that this is harmful because I am expecting religion to be used as a weapon when it comes to politics. Maybe not at the level of a presidential debate, but more in the sense of school age children and everyday people who are not publicly affiliated with politics. I do not think that people should assume that just because you belong to a certain religion you also belong to a certain political party, and that it is harmful to make those assumptions. This is because if you do tie two and two
together, and you use that as a reason to not be around someone, you will be “judging a book by it’s cover”. This could potentially lead to bigger issues when it comes to voting, because certain people may think that since they belong to a religion they have to vote with that religion, when in reality that’s the reason we have the Establishment Clause, in order to separate the church from state.

5. I have no idea, I’m not originally from Alaska and so I don’t know anything about that situation.

Analysis: This person has a more compassionate conservative tilt (one that is similar to George W. Bush). This person also has a good knowledge of Catholic politics. They understand that Alaska is a very complex state and they do not try to pretend to understand Alaskan politics.

Person 2

The problem with the two party system is that for us to be represented we have to pick a party that is remotely close to our beliefs. What is good about the two party system is to understand what state goals are and those beliefs.

The red wave had probably failed due to Trump”s influence in the republican party and that RoevWade was overturned earlier this year.

I do think religion is too involved regarding lgbt politics

Alaska isn’t in a downward spiral I think

Analysis: Well this person believes that secularism in Government (similar to the the Quebec model) is more positive for non religious and secular people along with the LGBTQ community. This person has strong opinions about the failures of the Republican Party and Donald Trump.

Person 3

No idea never actually looked into it

I mean no, I haven’t heard anything about religion in politics recently

I don’t know enough about corruption or debt to give a response

Analysis: This particular person is the type to judge politics by how their finances are doing in that particular time in place. They are the perfect moderate and the “perfect” voter!

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