Practicum 2- Jackie Bolinger

My questions:

  1. What civil rights/liberties are most important to you?
  1. What makes this right important?
  1. What is something that you think should be a civil right/liberty that isn’t one already? Why?
  1. Are there any rights or liberties that you feel are not important enough to be protected? (Are there any ‘unnecessary rights’?)
  1. What makes you feel this way?

The responses:

Person 1:

What civil liberties I find most important is to vote, and our guarantee to be able to bear arms. Why I think  voting is important, our views and ideals can have the chance to be put into law and/or institution. The right to bear arms allows us to maintain our right to vote. For example the Myanmarese people are under a military dictatorship that doesn’t allow the citizens to bear arms nor vote. With bearing arms we can guarantee a right to vote as well.

I don’t think any civil liberty or right should be added because I think we’re good enough.

I don’t think any right or liberty should be taken out.

Person 2:

1. Freedom of speech, I can criticize or praise who I want

2. I don’t know, we have some pretty good ones

3. None, they are all important 

5. I like to speak my opinion  

Person 3:

1. The most important civil right to me is the right to vote. 

2. This is important to me because it is a fundamental part of our democracy. Throughout American history there have been groups that have not been allowed to vote. For example women, poor people, and people of color. Thankfully that no longer exists.  I think that voting is the most important civil liberties because when I see other countries who are not in a democracy, I see how their people are silenced and cannot vote for a better candidate. If we lost the right to vote then America would no longer get to call itself “the land of the free”

3. A civil right that I believe should be a thing is the right to education. This is because it is not technically a right, and while it is a civil right to not discriminate in the school system, I think it should also be a right that everyone can go to school. Education should be considered a civil right to me because in order to get a further education (college) or a job, you typically need a high school diploma or GED. Since school is not a civil right certain people will not have the ability to be successful, when they may be the smartest person in the world. 

4. I do not think that there are any unnecessary civil rights.

5. I believe that there are no unnecessary civil rights because it is a civil right for a reason, and they have helped people in the past, so they should always be protected. 

I like this assignment because I can learn from my family and peers based on their responses. It’s a good opportunity to discuss what we believe in. I think you should continue to use this assignment.

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