Elizabeth Green

In this clip it discusses topics on political culture and all the ways the government is involved with the people in the US. It talks about how political culture influences people and their own beliefs with politics. There are two sides, one talking about everyone taking care of themselves and the other is the government taking care of any individual and their families. One argument in the video was that not all people are born into the same social classes. So how would the government take care of family in America. This video also talks about the “rule of law” and how every place needs a laws. Another topic this video touched on was money and how the government or people as owners should be able to displace it. Health care is also a big topic in this video. It talked about how health care either affordable for everyone no matter their income or should only high income be able to get good health care.

5 Discussion questions:

  1. What aspects does your perfect government look like?
  2. Do you think health care should be affordable for every person no matter the income? Why are why not?
  3. Do you believe that a government should be able to run yourself or your family? Or should you be able to run your own life?
  4. Are laws important? Why or why not?
  5. If you were an owner of a company, would you want the government to take your money? or would want to keep it? Defend both sides.

This assignment was honestly was a challenge for me. I’m still trying to get the hang of politics. I’m not too confident in this assignment, so if you never use it that’s okay!

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