Practicum 1 by Conlon Rishel

This video is a comedic exaggeration and an example of what our political culture is like. The person portrays himself as a news reporter and the media. The intro starts off with the text “We Lie to You News”. He introduces and then goes over what’s happening politically in our country. Further adding the humor, he says around the beginning of the video “the more you do the more we control you”.

The video was likely made for conservative humor. However, it still gives a good example of how some people part of a political party see other parties. It also gives a good example that the media can and has manipulated people. The sense of humor in the video and the viewers’ general understanding of our politics and media makes it fun to watch. All of which are considered part of our political culture.

Unlike other nations, the government allowed the people to shape our political culture thanks to the first amendment. The first amendment allows us to speak freely, freedom of the press. It allows us to spread propaganda, opinions, ideas, and various content like this video. The first amendment also allows us to choose a religion for ourselves further adding to the diversity of our culture.

We may think that the first amendment should have encouraged people to get together with diverse ideas and help develop our nation greatly. However, we do not see this outcome in full realization. Political division still exists within our nation and has existed since its beginning. The political division is also growing stronger today. The media is able to twist truths and lie while taking advantage of one’s ignorance.

1: Do you think government involvement is necessary to prevent the media from attempting to manipulate society and why?

2: Is the media the sole cause of the worsening political divide? If not, what could be other factors?

3: How can we get the two major U.S political parties to open up or discourage toxicity against each other?

4: Could other factors have also shaped our political culture?

5: Are twisted truths and lies unconstitutional and/or threaten national security?

I think this assignment would help me and others expand our minds on heated topics and the U.S government. I would definitely recommend you and others look into the comedic side of politics to ease off temptations.

1 comment on “Practicum 1 by Conlon Rishel

  1. Teresa Koehler

    Finding the humor in it all… ahh… thanks for your post! While there is very little that I actually agree with that the video is hinting at, I did find it quite humorous to listen to! Your post wrapped up the video well. Im not sure I see media as a bad thing, but I thought your post was very interesting.

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