Allyse La Fountain: Practicum 1

This video turns a song by Rapper Drake. “In My Feelings”, into a quirky fun parody about the Federalist papers. After a long unit about the anti-federalists and the federalists, the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution I feel the best way to wrap this up would be with a fun video. This video states very basic information that the class should already know from the unit. He mentions who wrote the federalist papers, how many each one wrote and some basic information about what some of the papers contained. The Federalist papers were a big part of our history because the country was divided. Some wanted to keep the Articles of Confederation and others wanted a whole new Constitution so America could have a stronger government. With the country divided Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison decided to write the federalist papers to try and unify the nation and show them why the constitution would help our country grow and be stronger. Obviously the papers worked as the States Ratified the constitution but the work of these three men showed the nation why the should stand behind the Constitution. I feel like this could be a nice refresher for students about the federalist papers after having a lot of information about this time crammed in their brains. A parody video like this in my opinion helps young minds hold on to any information given because its exciting to watch instead of just having lectures thrown at them or a study guide. If my teacher showed this to us in class I would find it funny and lets be honest who doesn’t like watching a man embarrass themselves.

  1. Who wrote the Federalist Papers? Who wrote the most?

2. What did the United States have before the constitution?

3. How many Federalist papers were there?

4. Before the Constitution what did the US Government use?

5. What did the Federalists say we needed to keep the president, congress and the courts in check?

I enjoyed this assignment and would recommend you use it again. Since I want to be a teacher I enjoyed being able to search Youtube to be able to find a video that a class would enjoy. I feel like this assignment helps add a layer of discipline because we have to stay in a category that age appropriate for High schoolers.

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