Haley Sielak- Practicum 1

Little Freddie Fudsie attempted to sneak out to go fishing but was caught and forced to remain inside and help his mother make soap. He had helped his mother in making soft soap that they managed to sell to their neighbors and friends. In order to fulfill his desire for fun, he seeks to plan an easier and quicker method of making soap. After years of hard work, his experiments are finally successful. In order to produce enough products to meet the high demand, he uses his income to buy more equipment and larger spaces. As his business grows, the train and other enterprises move into the area. The increase in property taxes helped contribute to the improvement of police enforcement, streets, parks, libraries, playgrounds, and schools. He watches the continuous expansion of his business and gains knowledge about monopolies, price manipulation, and competition.

This classic animated clip was produced during the Cold War as propaganda for American entrepreneurship. John Sutherland produced it in 1948, with support from Harding College. In comparison to other economic ideologies, such as Marxism, this cartoon aims to promote the ideas of capitalism. It describes how hard work, competition, and fair trade are used to advance society. The cartoon is a good depiction of American political culture because it shows a good view of capitalism, which allows investors to profit from the expansion of their company and consumers to take advantage of lower costs on a greater variety of products. Many people think of capitalism as an economic system, where individuals own and control property according to their interests, and where supply and demand freely determine market pricing in a way that can best serve society. The cartoon’s heavy emphasis on capitalism to explain American political ideology impresses me. I knew very little about what capitalism was and what it contains before seeing this video.

  1. After watching the video, do you have a deeper understanding of what capitalism is? If so, please explain. 
  2. a. How would you describe a capitalist? b. What kind of characteristics do they have?
  3. What role does government play in capitalism? 
  4. If Freddie lowered the cost of his soap instead of increasing it, do you think he would be able to create more personal hygiene products and grow his company?
  5. What kind of action do you think the government took when Sam and Freddie increased their prices? 

This assignment challenged my creativity and gave me valuable insight into what I will be doing when I become a teacher. Making this lesson plan was an interesting method to explain American politics. I initially thought this project would be a little difficult, but it got easier once I found a suitable video for my liking. This project is beneficial for all majors, but it will be extremely helpful to those majoring in elementary or secondary education because it demonstrates what we’ll be doing on a regular basis. I believe you should continue with this project.

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