Bobby Borland – Practicum 1

This clip is a dive into the link between immigration and economics, as well as the politics involved with immigration. It talks about how immigration effects the economy, going into detail and even informing what sectors are most likely to be affected. According to the clip, the tech sector is the most likely to be affected. It also brings up the politics around immigration, specifically with former President Trump and his restrictions on immigration. There is also mentioning of how immigration restrictions can be both good and bad in specific scenarios, and how it is a controversial topic. It also talks about how both the politics and economics of immigration change during things like disasters, specifically, COVID 19.
This clip illustrates multiple core American values, one of which being the American dream of coming to America for a better life. It talks about how many people immigrate and start with low pay, and high labor jobs that most Americans wont do, and working their way up from there. Many people come to America in search of better lives, and the ones who make it are happier, while the others go back to where they lived before. It also has a lot to do with democracy, as issues that are controversial are settled by a majority of the people, not just one person.

5 Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you believe the U.S. Economy can survive without immigration? Why or why not?
  2. Do you think Americans would be willing to do the jobs immigrants normally do? If so would there be enough to make a difference?
  3. Many people are returning to normal and no longer worrying about COVID as much, do you think this will have an impact on current immigration restrictions?
  4. The clip talks about how though some immigrants achieve the American Dream and stay in the US, many return to their home countries after a while. What effect do you think current immigration restrictions has on the amount of immigrants achieving the American Dream? What about the quality of their time spent in America?
  5. The clip mentions the Tech and Agricultural sectors as being highly impacted by immigration restrictions, what other sectors or industries do you think are heavily effected?

I think this project was cool, it was interesting to complete, and I was not bored while doing it. I think it is a cool project that can give students a sight into what teachers and professors do, while also effectively teaching them about a subject.

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