Talking politics

For this assignment I had interviewed my mother, my father and a family friend. I thought my parents came from different backgrounds but they I actually had a lot of similar answers Which surprised me.

in my family we do not talk about politics all that much it’s just not something that is a conversation in our house, it just never has been .
I also interviewed a family friend Sarah whose family is very political And loves to talk politics , I thought her answers would be more colorful than they were.

What would you say your political identification 

M.  Independent 

D. Independent 

Sara . Non patrastion 

Do you believe you affiliate more with this party because of how you’ve grown up or where you live now?

M. Where she lives know.. she votes on live experience. 

D: how I grew up 

S. Where she lives 

What would you say your level of political interest is

M. Medium 

D. Medium 

S. High 

What is your level of political participation

M. Low 

D. Low 

S. High

  1. If you do or don’t have a high level of political interest and participation, why?

M. She’s very interested, she listened to campaigning and goes and votes , but is not active in town meeting. 

6, What were you taught  about citizenship?   

M . If you were born here you were a citizen, there are steps you have to go though to get citizenship. 

D. Respect those that serve ,, vote or keep your mouth shut. 

S. It’s very important it stay involved, always vote, local elections are super important 

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