Simon Friday – Saturday Night Live

In this clip two satirical news anchors discuss some of the major current events taking place both nationally and internationally. The manner with which they present the stories and the jokes they make speaks greatly to one of the United States most beloved core freedoms, the freedom of speech. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for such a show to exist in a country that does not allow the same freedom provided here. Especially when some of the jokes made are about major political leaders or other people of power. In some other countries that are more oppressive or where the government controls the media, the news is always pro-government and there is little dissent. However, shows such as Saturday Night Live and others like it are able to thrive in the political climate put into place by the framers and as citizens we are able to enjoy.

Saturday Night Live also provides a more fun way of staying in the loop on current events which allows more people to be more engaged and fulfill their civic duties by being such. Granted it is not the best way of staying informed but it is one way. Saturday Night Live and shows like it also showcase the liberty that companies and broadcast stations have and the evolution of politics in the United States and how satire has always been apart of it. In the past politicians were poked fun at with comics and while that is also still the case today, the difference now is that the satire is more nuanced and is able to take many more shapes; one of which being Saturday Night Live. I personally believe that speaking truth to power and having the ability to voice a dissenting opinion of current and past political leaders is one of our greatest liberties and that is made no more clear than with Saturday Night Live.



  1. What are some jokes that SNL (Saturday Night Live) could not make?
  2. What other countries would allow for a show like SNL?
  3. Do you think a person could stay current if SNL was their only source of news?
  4. What other core values does SNL represent?
  5. How important do you think dissent is in American politics?

Completing this assignment was a little taxing but I say that as a senior in his last semester so take that with a grain of salt. But I think this assignment is valuable as it forces one to think deeply about what was read and figuring out how to apply that to the real world.

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