#1 Blog Post on Political Culture 

In the video above this gentlemen, Carey LaManna talks about American attitudes about government and politics. He first talks about Ideology in the United States and what that all includes and means. Mr. LaManna also talks about the American core values or in other words American political culture – which are ideas or values that are for the most part shared across the United States. He spends a majority of the clip going over the core values – individualism, equality of opportunity, free enterprise, rule of law, and limited government.

this video helps illustrate the core concepts because Carey LaManna simply goes into more detail of the core values of American political culture. He gives shortened definitions of the following: individualism, equality of opportunity, free enterprise, rule of law, unlimited government. I strongly believe that ends in the way that he explains each core value is very easy to interpret and understand.

5 Discussion Questions:

  1. How does this speaker define political ideology? Give your own definition.
  2. What does it mean to be a conservative? What do they typically favor – give an example.
  3. What does it mean to be a liberal? What do they typically favor – give an example.
  4. What are the five American core values that the speaker mentions in the clip?
  5. Give a definition of each of the five American core values.

Lastly, I really enjoyed this assignment. Being an Elementary Education major I like how I needed to put myself in the mindset of a 12th grade teacher. I believe that I could use this material/assignment as a future lesson plan if I am given the opportunity to teach in a high school classroom. I would recommend keeping this assignment part of the course because it is very fun and useful for the future. Being able to teach something helps one understand and retain the information.

1 comment on “#1 Blog Post on Political Culture 

  1. Simon Friday

    Hey Mackenzie, I like your post overall, its short and straight forward; as all things should be. I also like your questions because they are not overtly difficult but they do require one to pay attention to the video. My only constructive criticisms would be perhaps providing more of your own definitions of some of the values or terms to showcase your own familiarity with them. Other than that great post!

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