Practicum 1: Social Media & Politics

Gone are the days of traditional media gatekeepers. Being featured on a national talk show or getting your 30 second radio slot are no longer necessary to reach constituents and get elected into political office. Social media holds an important role in politics. It has allowed our democracy to become more diverse and transparent. There used to be a stereotype that only a certain person could change politics; usually with money and influence. With the help of social media people from every walk of life are able to voice their opinions and concerns with the hope of landing a virtual audience. Social media has given parties the tools to reach and educate large audiences on the happenings of their local, state, and national government. In theory, social media should be seen as an assistant to democracy; educated voters means more legitimate governments. However, there are instances in which misinformation is spread and spread quickly on social media. In the 2016 elections the United States saw how quickly Russian bots could take over a platform that was once used to spread valuable information. President Trump was notorious for his midnight tweets claiming “fake news” on news outlets, fellow politicians, and even his constituents. Since the 2016 election we’ve seen how social media could degrade our political system. There are clear benefits and drawbacks to the use of social media in politics. Whether we like it or not, social media will be a permanent feature in our day to day lives.

  1. How can social media engage young people who previously did not have an interest in politics?
  2. Does the removal of media gatekeepers allow for more misinformation to be spread on social medias?
  3. Can social media campaigns be sustained in the face of adversity?
  4. Do you believe social media is shaping our political future?
  5. How do you use social media on a day to day basis?

I grew up with my mom as a teacher and I have always found creating lesson plans to be entertaining and exciting. Being able to teach a topic proves that a student grasps and understands the concept. I would recommend you continue this assignment!

2 comments on “Practicum 1: Social Media & Politics

  1. Emily Markkanen

    I think the growing of social media is very interesting, I also find it interesting that people get very bent out of shape about certain things that are posted. Especially when it comes to politics. I think that social media has taken The place of telling a story.

  2. Adeline Knavel

    Hi Emma,
    I thought you had an interesting blog post topic, I think social media can do a lot with influencing the public eye on politics. I agree with your statement “there are clear benefits and drawbacks to the use of social media in politics”. I believe this topic is a great topic that would get a high school class involved, and participate and answer the questions you came up with.

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