Practicum 1 – Political Culture

In this video, the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama spoke to all Americans about their constitutional right to vote. As a self-proclaimed voting enthusiast, he made sure to point out the importance of voting in the 2020 election. Voting is the right given to all Americans to ensure that their voice is heard on the important issues of the day. During this election, the pandemic, economy, climate change, and healthcare were issues that people were concerned about. Voting is the way to change the direction of the government in regard to the issues affecting the nation. In order to determine things such as how your taxes are spent, or who you want to represent you in politics, your right to vote is a core concept of American political culture. Protecting the American democratic system is the responsibility of every American and the right to vote is the tool we are given to fight those that would try to undermine it.

This clip was a get-out and vote video to show potential voters the variety of ways they could vote in the election and remind them it was important. It talked about the importance of making a voting plan since this election was occurring in the midst of the covid 19 pandemic. Using a past president as the key speaker is a technique to gain the trust of the viewer and to give a sense of the historic importance of voting and its place in our culture. Voting is not just the responsibility of the old, one gender, or race. It is everyone’s job to do their part but even though it is not a difficult process it is important to make a plan to ensure your vote counts. The video makes a point to describe the 3 ways to cast your ballot and give the websites you might need to help you with this process. It ends with the reminder that by voting you are doing your part to protect democracy and shape the country for the better.

5 discussion questions:

  1. When you can vote do you plan to? Why or why not?
  2. Do you think there is a good reason not to vote?
  3. Do you think it’s wise to make a voting plan or is it unnecesary? Why or why not?
  4. Is it a good idea to have past presidents endorse voting or is their view biased?
  5. Who isn’t allowed to vote? Should they be?

I felt like this was an interesting assignment. I’ve never done something quite like this. Pretending to be the teacher gave me an interesting perspective on how to convey what I was writing. I think this assignment was a good learning experience and would definitely recommend you use it in the future.

3 comments on “Practicum 1 – Political Culture

  1. Heather Holcomb

    Voting is at the heart of America. America was founded by people who wanted to have a voice, who wanted to be represented in decisions made by their country, voting is a key part of achieving that voice and representation. The reality of voting in America though, is that it can sometimes favor certain groups of Americans. It can be harder for groups such as minorities and the lower class to vote. Some citizens may lack a drivers license, or live farther away from a voting site. Voting is not always easy for every American. Politicians like our past president Barack Obama think voting should be easy for all Americans, and it should. This simple video just telling people how to vote and encouraging them to vote definitely represents American political culture.

  2. Alyssa Appel

    Hi Kyle,

    I like the video you picked for this assignment! I think you make a really good point emphasizing the civic duty of voting. I like the nature of go vote videos because a lot of times they provide additional information and an extra push to people who ought to vote.

  3. Mackenzie Masters

    I really think you did a great job with constructing the five questions for the 12th graders to answer. I think it is very important for younger generations to know about their rights to vote and how important it is for them to do so. I also liked the reminder at the end of the clip, by voting you are doing your part to shape the country for the better! Thank you for sharing.

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