Owen White – Practicum 1

FDR’s first fireside chat: the banking crisis – YouTube

This is a video/ recording of one of Benjamin Franklins “Fire side chats”, where during the great depression, he addressed the nation, in order to forge a greater sense of trust between the government, and the people. This “chat” as shown in it’s title, was done because of the collapse of the banks. A significant part of the start of the great depression.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the issues discussed in this video?

2. Why would, or could it be important for American citizens to have a “we can do it mentality”

3. In what way could/ or couldn’t this speech about the baking crisis create a greater trust with the government?

4. What words does Franklin use to highlight the significance of the people.

5. Do you feel that this speech was effective towards its goal? why or why not?

I have to admit, I’m not too good when it comes to these sorts of assignments (also a bit of confusion as to what the assignment was).

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