Molly Wilson Practicum 1

The American Government is built on letting the people rule. Originally, the goal was for states to have all the power while having a week central government. This came from the Colonies not having the right of representation in parliament. They created a system where the free people have a right to their personal opinions and interests. Even with the creation of the constitution no one power could have supreme control over the minorities of the country. This allowed people to speak up and have an opinion on what happens in the country they live in. These practices are, of course, still implemented today. American politics are all about disagreements that often end in compromise which in result in an attempt to better our country as a whole.

There are instances, however, where these disagreements create a large rift among our people that leaves tension within our country. The video above illustrates current rifts in the American nations political system. These debates are so divided that no matter the outcome one side is going to suffer from the out come and possibly try to take action against it. The divide that the country is currently facing is dangerous, and spreading fast thanks to social media. It is also difficult for the government to implement change one way or another because it keeps contradicting itself.


1: Do you think a difference of beliefs are a good thing?

2: Do you think there is anything to be done to bring together the Nation?

3: What is another instance in American history where the country was strongly divided? What was the end results of that divide? Can we learn from it and implement that learning into the current political divide?

4: Who are the leaders of the opposing sides of the current political strife?

5: How can we battle misinformation spread on the internet?

I liked this assignment because it introduced some diversity from my usual mundane assignments. It also sent me deep into YouTube and I learned things I hadn’t before.

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