Elijah Blaum Practicum 1

This video covers topics based around the role of the government and view points from past presidents and current laws. In the beginning the video begins by defining American Political Culture as the, “Values that influence individuals attitudes and beliefs about the relationship between citizens and the federal government”, to relate with current events that are happening in the United States. The narrator goes on to talk about the role of the government in America and the four main ideologies, equality of opportunity, the rule of law, limited government, and free enterprise. He illustrates the view points of Side A (Republicans), and Side B (Democrats). Next he talks about a form of contract covering the rule of law/ or constitution that both political sides have to agree with to be justified or valid. Thus when a contract or code of law like this is in place criminals or wrong doers are less likely to succeed in breaking the law. He explains the different A and B sides with their views on the Republicans side with free enterprise and wanting more freedom from an impeding government. The Democratic view point involves a more involved government in an over reaching government in the market and economics. Thus this view would limit private profitability and overall power of the people running the business. The narrator then discusses issues with different sides of healthcare views with free care for all or to stay where we are at now currently. Limited government would recognize that if citizens healthcare were controlled that would take away personal liberties. But the equality of opportunity would giver healthcare and support to any family regardless of income or where they live. In conclusion he shows quotes of past presidents Ronald Reagan and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This video overall gave a better understanding of what American Political Culture means and the effects it has the U.S. citizens.

Question 1: What is you definition of American Political Culture?

  • Question 2: Is limited government power or an overseeing government more beneficial?
  • Question 3: Which ideology leads to you being better off self reliance, or a level playing field better to help everyone no matter where they came from?
  • Question 4: Is an imposing government better for the economic market?
  • Question 5: Does limited government really give an individual a better chance at paying for healthcare?

Personally I did enjoy finding the video for this assignment, however explaining the video and divulging most of the information in the description does kind of defeat the purpose of finding a video for a class to watch. Overall, making questions and the assignment as a whole was not bad.

1 comment on “Elijah Blaum Practicum 1

  1. Sophia Fuller

    I really enjoyed the video you chose I think it did a good job and describing the basics of American government. However my favorite part of your post was actually your questions I thought they were interesting and well thought out. They made me really think and most I probably wouldn’t have come up with which I like because it makes you look at things in ways you wouldn’t have before. Especially question 3 I found very enjoyable because not only would I not have thought about it before but it made me really think about which I would choose. I overall really liked your post.

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