Elias Vargas Prac 1: What is the American Dream

In the video it talks about what the American Dream and what it means so someone that is not American. This is Pooja Mahajan is an environmental engineer working at a global consulting firm in the US. Born and raised in India, Pooja moved to the US in 2010 to pursue her Master’s degree at Clemson University and now she is giving her ted talk about this what the American Dream is for her. She has a lot of visa’s she needs to get and a bunch of loops she has to go through in order to get her American Dream. This shows how you need to go and get so many visa’s just to get nothing to follow your American Dream only not to have it happen because your Indian, African, and any other minority. This really shows the distance people who are not born here but live here have to go through. It shows how if your a minority you struggle with everything from people just get tossed to the side because of this.

This illustrates one of important part of political culture which what is the American Dream what is everyone working for. What is equality for everyone what how to we do that for everyone how do we give everyone there own American Dream. This is a very vital part of American political culture which is how to make everyone equal which is one of the main purposes in law which is to give everyone an equal opportunity for everyone in. There is nothing wrong with working hard for a dream or an idea but when its not equal for everyone that makes an issue we should let everyone have the ability to live out there life as well as work hard.

questions for my students

  1. What is your Idea of the American Dream?
  2. What do you think the American Dream is real?
  3. How do you think its right for others to have the American Dream even if there not from America?
  4. What is freedom to you and your American Dream?
  5. Has there been a time when you have been yelled for something your worked hard on or have ever been discriminated against?

I felt it was fun kind of confused about this assignment but it felt good to do. I think you should do this again it didn’t take to long but it made a huge impact on what I learned.

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