Tory Reese_Practicum 1 “Change”

This is a commercial about the American value of change through unity and the collective progression of The People. The perspective of this video is, “change should come from the citizens to the government, not from to government to the citizens”. There are two recognizable themes in the video: unity of the people, and perseverance for the cause. Barack Obama speaks out in hopes to inspire the American body to recognize and reclaim “the power of the people”. He expresses the idea that political and societal progression come from acknowledging the need for change and breaking away from past political cycles that have only hindered our progression as a people and nation. Through togetherness and perseverance will we achieve the change we wish to see in our country and it’s government. “Be the Changer you wish to see” is the driving core political value and part of the national culture.

1 Where does the true power of change come from?

2 What is the message Obama is delivering?

3 What are two major values expressed in this video?

4 How does this video express core values in American political culture?

5 What can we as American citizens do to promote the change we wish to see?

I will be completely honest, while I very much enjoy this assignment, it wasn’t the easiest to understand. Rather it took me a while to figure out what the professor was looking for. I think this assignment is a great way to change the perspective or angle of thought used to understand the information or lesson provided.

4 comments on “Tory Reese_Practicum 1 “Change”

  1. Ivan Edwards

    I think that Barack Obama had a pretty good speech, because it appealed to some of the core beliefs of the political culture in the United States today. I say this, because most people in America want to be able to create large changes. Most people, also believe that all children should be able to attend school, so that they can gain an education. People also want to move forward, while inventing new things, and growing together as a nation.

  2. Tim Fewless

    I love political adds. I think they show a microcosm of what American political identity involves in their attempt to appeal to voters. Notice the appeals to unity, the ‘us vs. them’ or outsider vs. insider standpoint, and even quoting to a religious text to appeal to religious voters. In todays politics political adds from both sides often appear to be focus group tested. They are less a politician on a soap box and more of a slick marketing campaign. The Obama/Biden campaigns were some of the most effective political operations that I have ever seen in terms of getting the message out.

  3. Rosie Fordham

    I love the message of this video. It shows how people can band together to create change and highlights the purpose of the government – to act for the people. Very refreshing and uplifting message of the power of the majority!

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