Practicum 1 -Apple by Jewel

Apple created the video below to show the world who they are, what they believe, and how they run their company. The video clip I am sharing that Apple made happened in 2017 in the United States. The beginning of the video first states, “Open a door, and it opens all the others.” While they state that, they are showing short clips of portraits of all kinds of different people. Such a powerful statement when discussing being “open.” Another influential line when discussing their beliefs is, “Differences, not just celebrated but essential.” After they state that line, they show video clips of women in charge, different religions, different ethnicity of people, and showing same-sex couples. The video clip shows 68 different employees of Apple how different and unique they all are. The video shows that all people are different and deserve equality. It shows that everyone deserves to be treated equally when we do not see things the same way. Being open is what it shows us to be.

So the video clip reveals what Apple’s belief is, which is to be inclusive and diverse—fitting for America, the land of the free. They use words such as; come together, faiths, cultures, disabilities, differences, races, ages, ideologies, and personalities. They discuss the same pay for everyone, women in charge, and show same-sex couples. They further state that “Humanity is plural, not singular,” and “Who we are is everyone” America is a country of many different ethnicities, religions, and cultures. To be open, inclusive, diverse, and have equality is what the American core beliefs mean. Finally, they state, “The truth is, we do not see things the same. The power is, we do not see things the same.” Such a powerful statement. The video’s statements all tie back to the American core beliefs of individualism, equality, and justice. This video is a prime example that illustrates the core concepts of American political culture.

Five questions to answer:

  1. What do you think Apple means by the statement, “Open a door, and it opens all the others.”?
  2. What line in the video clip do you think best illustrates an American core belief?
  3. What are some of the examples that demonstrate equality shown in the video?
  4. Why do you think they say that, “The power is, we do not see things the same”?
  5. What part of the video sits with you the most, which part of it did you relate with the most? Why?

This assignment helped me better understand the American core beliefs and it was so much fun to do. I think this is a great assignment that you should keep for future students to be able to do. Thank you!

2 comments on “Practicum 1 -Apple by Jewel

  1. Rosie Fordham

    Super interesting video. I think its a really creative choice and one that I definately would not have come up with. I like how the video shows a cross section of American society and it made me think about whether we do treat people equally and accept diversity in the way politics operates.

  2. Kamea VanDeventer

    I love your video choice, I think it really reflects the direction America is going and I love that. Your questions are very thought provoking and I like that they are asking opinions and not just stating facts about the video.
    1. I think that the line “open a door, and it opens all the others” is symbolic of a sort of domino effect. Opening the first door, or taking the first step towards change can be difficult, but once it is done there is so much more that can happen because someone took the first step.
    2. “So who we’re made of is everyone” I think is illustrates a core American belief very well, because America is the nation of immigrants, and there are people with all sorts of different belief systems and cultures.
    3. the video talks about how apple is closing the gender pay gap and putting more women in charge at their company, there are examples of multiple religions, and sexualities.
    4. If everyone saw things the same then I don’t think there would ever be any growth in the world. People seeing things differently truly makes the world a much more fun place to live, if everyone was the same it would be boring.
    5. the part that sits with me the most is probably the part where they say “the power is we do not see things the same.” I think that it is so easy to just get angry with people who don’t have the same views as you, but as I stated in the question above, life would be so boring if everyone agreed, often times true growth stems from disagreement. And I also love the concept that something that many people may view as a bad thing could actually be a good thing.

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