Adeline Knavel

Below is a video from youtube that represents the origin and the nature of political culture and the role of the government in the United States. In this short clip, we learn from the start that political culture is the values that influence the behavior, beliefs, and attitude of individuals towards the government. If you want to know how involved the government should be in your life every answer is going to be different depending on who you ask. Political culture has to do with the core values that the majority of U.S. citizens all believe in. These core values are equality of opportunity, the rule of law, limited government, and free enterprise. Throughout the clip, we focus on learning what political culture is and what the role of the government is through a series of drawings. The idea of choosing and voting for a political party ultimately comes down to how you perceive the core values.

The short youtube clip illustrates the core values of political culture and the roles of the government through a series of colorful drawings. Equality of opportunity, the rule of law, limited government, and free enterprise are all core values of the government. Equality of opportunity is the belief that each person should have the same opportunities to advance in society. The rule of law is the principle that the government is based on a body of law applied equally and fairly to each and every citizen. Limited government is a political system in which there are restrictions placed on the government to protect individual rights and liberties. Free enterprise is where private businesses have the freedom to operate without the interference of the government. These are the core concepts to America’s political culture, the way U.S. citizens perceive the values of the law is what determines the political-cultural group someone identifies with.

  1. What does political culture mean to you and what makes up poltical culture? 
  2. What Amendment to the Contitution or law would you propose? 
  3. Why do we need political culture? 
  4. Is there a difference between public opinion and political culture? Why or why not?
  5. Is political culture a culture of beliefs? Why or why not?

As an Education Major, I love assignments that are based on creating lessons for students. I personally enjoy having these opportunities, assignments like these allow us to show what we have learned and what stuck with us while having fun. The only recommendation I have is to make the assignment be focused on the students but that is only because of my major.

1 comment on “Adeline Knavel

  1. Cole Funke

    Hey Adeline, I liked your post. I especially enjoyed your video choice because I consider myself a visual learner, so having the drawings helped. I think the question of what role government should play in our lives is an interesting one because it is the first question you have to answer before government can do anything and yet it has been debated for so long and there is still a lot of disagreement over it. My only suggestion is that you ask your students what they think the role of government should be to get them thinking about it.

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