Instructions for Practicum 1

Please see an example of a blog post for Practica 1, so you have a clear idea as to what i am looking for.


At this point you have read about the nature of politics and the different political systems that are possible along with a chapter devoted to American citizenship and political culture.


For the purpose of this assignment you are a high school government and civics teacher. You  are teaching your 12th grade class about the nature of politics and American political culture.  Your class has read Chapters 1 and 2 from the textbook AmGov, but you would like to give them a video example. Go to YouTube. Find a video clip that is between 1-10 minutes that is a clear  aid to explaining one or more of the major concepts of American political culture. Note, you are not to find an explanation. There are many “teaching tools’ on YouTube and you are welcome  to watch them. But, you have already taught the information to your class. Now you want to  show a clip that illustrates the points. For example, a debate would be acceptable, but a person explaining the theory would not be. You could explore immigration, ideological beliefs, the core beliefs, or the ideas that unite us. Work to be inventive! The material in the video should  be appropriate for you to show to high school seniors as an illustration of the concept, without  losing your job at the school (consider that you are teaching people who are legally minors —  think R-rated as a maximum limit). Post video or a link to it (see WordPress Help on how to embed a video in the post) and the following on this blog under Practicum 1  category. Put your name, as enrolled in Blackboard, in the Title.

  • In 300-400 (2 paragraphs) words describe (a) what you perceive to be happening in the clip (b) why it  illustrates a core concept of American political culture
  • Then (c) create 5 discussion questions you would pose to your students in relation to the  concept you illustrate with your video to engage them and find out if they really know  what American political culture means.
  • Lastly, (d) tell me a little about how completing this assignment felt. Do you think I  should use this assignment in the future?

Follow this link for help with embedding video. And, if you’re not sure where to find a video, consider these sources:,, and
