
Welcome to the PS 101x course companion blog! This blog is designated for posting your three Practicum assignments and enables you to give and receive feedback on these assignments. You will see the instructions for each Practicum both on this blog and in Canvas. Here in the blog they are listed as options directly above. Do take care that you post each practicum in the correct location.

Remember, you are required to interact with the other students in the three Practica. This means providing some meaningful, polite, constructive commentary about your colleagues’ posts. You will see that I am also doing this — all our comments will be available for all of us to read.   This is meant to imitate what a classroom discussion might look like.  Failure to comment on any Practicum will result in fewer points for that Practicum.

You will not be posting anonymously. Students will see the username that is in use by WordPress. However, this is no different than a classroom where you know your colleagues.

Each response you provide to your colleagues is meant to be a thoughtful discussion prompt from you. The best responses will:
1) respond thoughtfully and carefully to what your colleagues have posted, noting, for example, what you felt was valuable about their submission, how you feel they might have improved their submission, or what their submission prompted you to think about American politics;
2) occasionally respond directly to the comments made by your classmate just like a face-to-face classroom;
3) use appropriate language and exhibit polite behavior at all times;
4) be between 4 – 5 sentences in length;
5) exhibit clearly that you read your colleague’s work and have something original to contribute to their efforts.

If your answers abide by these guidelines, it will be reflected in your grade. Although this rarely happens, students who forget their manners will have their comments removed and may possibly be withdrawn from the course by the instructor. Please see the UAF Student Code of Conduct to see more about your rights and responsibilities as both an online and face-to-face student.